Thursday, May 13, 2010

Grand Opening...Er...Grand Idea

Pet over population. Animal cruelty, abuse, neglect, adandonment.

We see it, hear about it, read about it, everyday. It's all around us but many of us choose not to see it. We change the channel, click a different link, look the other way. Maybe its because we don't know how to help, maybe its because we think we can't make a difference.

Bad Juju Rescue and Rehabilitation is about TRYING to make that difference, about seizing the chance to affect change. Well...that's what our goal is.

We're in the begining stages. VERY begining stages. Learning more, gathering information about starting a non-profit organization, spreading the word about what we're trying to do. It's a daunting task but its exciting too. The chance to make a difference, to help one person, one pet, that is all the motivation we need.

Who is we? Right now we boils down to ...three people. That's right 3. It's two more than I originally started out with yesterday. Yesterday Bad Juju was wishful thinking, some crazy out there, hair-brained scheme. its forming into reality. We'll get to the more formal introductions later but we wanted to get this idea, this chance out there for people to see, to read about and hopefully to get involved in.

All of us have busy, hectic lives and a million things on our to do list but just maybe if one of those "things to do" is just pressing the 'Share' button, we can all help make a difference.

-J. Carson, Bad Juju Rescue Crew

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